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Friday 12 August 2011

Belive Me I Can Fly .

Love In Your Eyes Sitting Silent By My Side

Going On Going Hands Walking Through The Nights

Hold Me Up Hold Me Tight Lift Me Up To Touch The Sky

Teaching Me To Love With Heart Helping Me Open My Mind

I Can Fly I'm Proud That I Can Fly

To Give The Best Of Mine Till The End Of The Time

Belive Me I Can Fly I'm Proud That I Can Fly

To Give The Best Of Mine The Heaven In The Sky

Star In The Sky Wishing Once Upon A Time

Give Me Love Make Me Smile Till The End Of The Life

Hold Me Up Hold Me Tight Lift Me Up To Touch The Sky

Teaching Me To Love With Heart Helping Me Open My Mind

I Can Fly I'm Proud That I Can Fly

To Give The Best Of Mine Till The End Of The Time

Belive Me I Can Fly I'm Proud That I Can Fly

To Give The Best Of Mine The Heaven In The Sky

Can't You Belive That You Light Up My Way No Matter How That Ease My Path

I'll Never Lose My Faith See Me Fly

I'm Proud To Fly Up High Show You The Best Of Mine

Till The End Of The Time Belive Me I Can Fly

I'm Singing In The Sky Sow You The Best Of Mine

The Heaven In The Sky

Nothing Can Stop Me Spead My Wings So Wide ♥


我不会再哭泣 因为我相信 我勇敢地爱着你 ♥

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